A high-performing and scalable family of switches for today’s demanding network requirements. The extended choice of models in the x510 series makes them ideal for a wide range of applications from small core to network edge.JITCapproved for U.S. defence network deployments andOpenFlowv1.3-certified for advanced SDN.
Use built-in VCStack™ technology for easy management of port-density at the network edge, or resiliency in the core
Create resilient, distributed backbones that are easy to manage with long-distance stacking
Dual load-sharing power supplies enable maximum uptime and minimal maintenance (x510 models only)
Flexible deployment options with Gigabit copper, fiber and PoE+ models with 10G uplinks
Reduce costs and automate network and device management with the Autonomous Management Framework™ (AMF)
Deployable as an AMF master or as an AMF member switch
EPSRing and G.8032 ERPS for fast-failover resilient ring networks
Market-leading SDN with industry certified OpenFlow v1.3